James Thinks

writing is a kind of thinking

Not content with making some great bike lights, Hope have proven themselves by providing a free light-fixing service to our three-year old light.

We were given a Hope Vision 1 as a present some three years ago. It was described as an entry-level mountain biker's light, which makes it more than adequate for pitch-black lane riding. We've used it a lot on the tandem and more recently for commuting and have always been pleased with it.

More recently I've been doing some rather soggy audaxes, usually starting in the pre-dawn dark. The Vision 1 did a great job in these conditions until I noticed later in the day that it kept turning itself back on. This was annoying as I expected to do a bit more riding in the dark at the end of the day, so wanted to conserve battery power.

When I got back home and dried off I opened up the light to see a few droplets of water on the inside. Not good news. I tried a little silicon grease on the main seal, but the same thing happened again. As if often the case a little Googling suggested that Lancashire-based Hope are great at fixing lights with these kinds of issues. A little skeptical, I nevertheless downloaded the returns form from their website and sent the light off in the hope of a fix (see what I did there?).

Less than a week later, the light was back and fully working, free of charge. I was surprised and impressed, but really this is how all companies should work and I'd be happy to pay a bit more if they did.

The bottom line - fixed for free - thanks Hope!

Category: Cycling
Mugshot of James cycling on a road in the sunshine.

James Bradbury

I write about whatever is on my mind. I do so mostly to help me think more clearly. If other people find it interesting that's good too. :-)